Newsletter: 035 | Two-Thirds There

Newsletter 035.png

Two-Thirds There

We set a goal 35 weeks ago to produce a newsletter and original content every week for a year.  There are obvious business reasons for putting out content on a regular basis, but the benefits have gone beyond that.  There's a lot to learn from testing the ability to stick to a plan for that long.  Lessons of determination, perseverance, and sacrifice are front of mind.  Whether big or small, business or personal, setting specific goals with regular targets has become a new normal for us.

Content We Liked


Blog Post: Investing In Token Focused Funds
Union Square Ventures
June 20, 2018

Fred Wilson (VC @ Union Square Ventures) writes about the firm's dual approach of investing in token companies and in token funds.


Podcast: Lululemon Athletica: Chip Wilson
How I Built This
June 18, 2018

Chip Wilson (Founder @ Lululemon Athletica) shares stories about turning a few designs into a billion dollar athleisure brand.


Presentation: 2018 Emerging Tech Trends Report
June 21, 2018

Amy Webb (Professor @ NYU Stern & Founder @ The Future Today Institute) presents her Tech Trends Report covering 225 emerging tech trends across 20 industries.

Content We Created

Blog Post

Due Diligence Request List
Scannavino Law LLP
June 24, 2018

This post provides a sample due diligence request list that can be used in connection with the financing or acquisition of a private company.  

Where We'll Be This Week

Startup Event

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

@ Oscar
295 Lafayette Street
Register for Free

A Femtech-focused panel discussion on business opportunities at the intersection of health, women, and technology.


You'll need to sign up online at the links provided for ticketed events.  Attendance is at your own cost and subject to limited availability.  No need to RSVP to us for any of these events, but let us know if you'd like to be kept in the loop on any last-minute scheduling changes.  Also, keep in mind that these events are not firm-hosted or sponsored events, so we have no control over availability, pricing or any other matters associated with these events.  This is just our attempt at cultivating community by giving us all a chance to connect outside of the office.

About our Newsletter

We decided to launch a weekly newsletter with the simple goal of cultivating community.  Our newsletter covers (1) content relating to the startup industry that we liked from the previous week, giving you something to read, listen to, and watch; (2) content we created during the previous week, keeping you up to date on news and insight from our team; and (3) events and activities we plan to host or attend in the upcoming week, providing our community of clients, partners, and friends an opportunity to share, support, and connect with each other.

Scannavino Law